
I wrote 36 articles mostly about software development with a total of 73,508 words. If this is your first time here, you may want to go through the most popular articles first that are marked with a star (★).

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2023-02-01On traveling and monotony of life
2022-12-01The benefits of owning your own library
2022-11-01★ Nobel Prize in numbers
2022-10-01Should I write an article or have a presentation?
2022-09-01Negativity in engineering
2022-08-01How to become the best programmer?
2022-07-01We will try harder
2022-06-01Citation needed
2022-05-01Moonlander XIII
2022-04-01Downsides of the internet
2022-03-01Ending the color theme debate
2022-02-01Scholars of trivia
2022-01-01What is a class and why would I need it?
2021-12-01I am giving away the pancakes and I am still broke
2021-11-01★ They don't even know the fundamentals
2021-10-01The age of technological progress
2021-09-01★ It takes a PhD to develop that
2021-08-01Coffee addiction in the working world
2021-07-01Best tool for the job
2021-06-01I wish I could write this well
2021-05-01How much traffic comes from the front page of Hacker News?
2021-04-01★ The compiler will optimize that away
2021-03-01DSL might be the answer
2021-02-01Eyes on the stars
2021-01-01Why do we write design documents?
2020-12-01★ The complexity that lives in the GUI
2020-11-01★ On navigating a large codebase
2020-10-01OKRs for the masses are bullshit
2020-09-01The power of text files
2020-08-01Keep your sink clean
2020-07-01The true cost of knowledge
2020-06-01DSL is not the answer
2020-05-13It's just a button
2020-04-01White walled garden
2020-03-16★ Sad state of cross platform GUI frameworks
2019-12-18Why was SlothTracker developed
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